Welcome to the FOG  Network

Licensed amateur radio operators can connect to these FOG systems now.

*FOG*, NODE 181206, connected full time to *SCARS* scarsvoip.com Node 96140

WB4WPF -L, NODE 728869, connected full time to AllStar 2170 which is connected to DMR TGIF TG 3175 or Extended Freedom TG 3175, D-STAR XLX073 Module F, M17-FOG, Fusion YSF XLX073, and Wires-X WB5NFC-FOG room# 80101 

ALLSTAR 2170, connected full time to EchoLink WB4WPF-L, D-star XLX073 Module F, DMR TGIF TG 3175 or Extended Freedom TG 3175, M17-FOG, Fusion YSF xlx073, and Wires-X WB5NFC-FOG room# 80101 

DMR NODE TGIF TG 3175 or Extended Freedom TG 3175, connected full time to EchoLink WB4WPF-L, D-star XLX073 Module F, Allstar 2170, M17-FOG, Fusion YSF XLX073, and Wires-X WB5NFC-FOG room# 80101 

D-STAR NODE XLX073 Module F, connected full time to EchoLink WB4WPF-L, DMR TGIF TG 3175 or Extended Freedom TG 3175, Allstar 2170, M17-FOG, Fusion YSF xlx073, and Wires-X WB5NFC-FOG room# 80101 

FUSION YSF XLX073, connected full time to EchoLink WB4WPF-L, DMR TGIF TG 3175 or Extended Freedom TG 3175, Allstar 2170, D-star XLX073 Module F, M17-FOG, and Wires-X WB5NFC-FOG room# 80101 

Wires-X Room WB5NFC-FOG # 80101, connected full time to Dstar XLX073, EchoLink WB4WPF-L, DMR TGIF TG 3175 or Extended Freedom TG 3175, Allstar 2170, M17-FOG and Fusion YSF xlx073.

Thanks for visiting! Our site is under development so keep checking back for more news, information, and more ways to connect with the goup!

If you are a licensed amateur radio operator looking for a fun new project to get involved with we would love to hear from you! Sign up for our email group to stay in touch with all the latest from the FOG!  https://groups.io/g/thefog  or   https://groups.io/g/Packeteer – Membership, correspondence, and information.

How to Connect:

ECHOLINK, *FOG*, NODE 181206, connected full time to *SCARS* scarsvoip.com  Node 96140.

ECHOLINK, WB4WPF -L, NODE 728869, connected full time to AllStar 2170 which is connected to DMR TGIF TG 3175 or Extended Freedom TG 3175, D-STAR XLX073 Module F, M17-FOG, Fusion YSF XLX073, and Wires-X WB5NFC-FOG room# 80101 

ALLSTAR 2170, connected full time to EchoLink WB4WPF-L, D-star XLX073 Module F, DMR TGIF TG 3175 or Extended Freedom TG 3175, M17-FOG, Fusion YSF xlx073, and Wires-X WB5NFC-FOG room# 80101 

DMR NODE TGIF TG 3175 or Extended Freedom TG 3175, connected full time to EchoLink WB4WPF-L, D-star XLX073 Module F, Allstar 2170, M17-FOG, Fusion YSF XLX073, and Wires-X WB5NFC-FOG room# 80101 

D-STAR NODE XLX073 Module F, connected full time to EchoLink WB4WPF-L, DMR TGIF TG 3175 or Extended Freedom TG 3175, Allstar 2170, M17-FOG, Fusion YSF xlx073, and Wires-X WB5NFC-FOG room# 80101 

FUSION YSF XLX073, connected full time to EchoLink WB4WPF-L, DMR TGIF TG 3175 or Extended Freedom TG 3175, Allstar 2170, D-star XLX073 Module F, M17-FOG, and Wires-X WB5NFC-FOG room# 80101 

Wires-X Room WB5NFC-FOG room# 80101, connected full time to Dstar XLX073, EchoLink WB4WPF-L, DMR TGIF TG 3175 or Extended Freedom TG 3175, Allstar 2170, M17-FOG and Fusion YSF xlx073.

Allstar node 2170 upgrade

Allstar node 2170 has been upgraded to Allstarlink / ASL3. 2170 includes a DVswitch link to XLX073F. 2170 Allmon3 Page 2170 Supermon Page

Wires-X connection added to XLX073 module F

Wires-X room 80101 (WB5NFC-Fog) is now linked to module F on XLX073. To find all the ways to connect to XLX073, goto "Fog Connections"

Extended Freedom DMR Network

XLX073 module F now has a new DMR input using the Extended Freedom DMR Network talkgroup 3175 in addition to the existing TGIF 3175 talkgroup.     Thanks Dave  

What Is a Mesh Network

WHAT IS A MESH NETWORK?ANDHOW THE FOG ORGANIZATION INTENDS TO USE IT   A mesh network is a local network topology in which the infrastructure nodes (i.e. bridges, switches, and other infrastructure devices) connect directly, dynamically and non-hierarchically to...


BPQ32 SOFTWARE (Recommended by The FOG) What is BPQ32? BPQ32  software created and maintained by John Wiseman - G8BPQ.  Downloadable for free, for either Windows or Linux machines. Its a great program to have on your Raspberry Pi! It supports many facets of the packet...

Current Active Projects

Improving, populating, and advertising our communication outlets on EchoLink, AllStar, DMR, Fusion and Packet. The main program being focused on at the moment is the creation of a IPv6 worldwide mesh packet communication system with satellite backup features. At this...

KF5VH Inducted to Board of Directors!

June 12, 2021 The Board of Directors unanimously voted KF5VH – Stephen J Mahler as a member of the board. Welcome aboard Steve!

Looking for something to do?

Just in case you are lookin for something to do... Check out our progress with FOG packet endeavors! Join us on packeteer.groups.io Also, check out our progress with our Multi-mode D-Star, Fusion, and DMR Dashboard! Follow us on our Multi-mode XLX073 Dashboard

BPQ Packet Node

February 13, 2021 We have been successful in bringing up a packet BPQ node in the FOG cloud. It is virtually located in Miami FL.