Roger was born June 1960 in Watertown New York. His family moved to Palm Beach Gardens on the South East coast of Florida in 1966. He joined the U.S. Navy and was trained as an Electronic Technician in 1978. Retiring in September of 1994 as an Electronic Technician Chief. Following his career as a U.S. Navy Man, he moved to Ridley Park, Pa. to be with his Best Friend and Companion Miss Charlotte KA3TEJ (His wife “The Admiral”).

Chief blames his dad for giving him the desire to learn more about electronics! When he was a young lad his father, Jake Jordan, tried to convince him that he could not watch Star Trek because of the terrible strain it put on the television set! His dad explained, it had something to do with the angle of the radio waves and the stress on the electronic circuits because of it! His fate was sealed that fateful day Roger was watching Star trek and Lightning struck close by thus destroying the TV! Of course, his dad knew he was watching Star Trek, the TV blew up! Upon completion of his electronic schools, He put his dad to sleep trying to explain to him how it really works! Thus prompting Roger to pursue a teaching career along with his technology endeavors.

In 1982 Roger was awarded his Novice Amateur Radio License (KB4MHL). Roger upgraded to Extra and applied for his present vanity call, W4RFJ. His son, Roger Junior (JR) now holds his original call (KB4MHL) as a Technician.

There is an explanation for the name “Chief”. It seems like everywhere Roger goes everyone calls him “Chief”! Just ask the Admiral (Miss Charlotte), she will tell you it is the only name he answers to!

In July 2013, “Chief” Completed his BS in Information Technology, Cum Laude, at Kaplan University. He was an active member of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary (18 years). Recently (Jan 2018), Roger requested and was placed in Retired Status with the Auxiliary.

An avid member of the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (Too many years to count), W4RFJ has served in many positions of the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES)… Despite his present local inactivity in ARES, his dedication for Safety, Emergency Communications and Emergency Preparedness for Family, Friends and Neighbors is always a priority.

As everything changes around them, Roger and Charlotte are looking forward to calling Florida home again! They both feel confident that they are on the correct path to do just that! They are working hard to make sure all ties are broken to the north so that Gordon (KY6V) will not be able to blame them for the weather if his feet freeze when hitting the floor in the AM!

Roger F. Jordan Sr. W4RFJ

President, Chariman of the Board

Dave GW8SZL was born in Newport, South Wales on the 27th January, 1962.
Dave’s interest in radio started at the age of ten when he was bought an Elizabethan Pathfinder Radio as a Christmas present by his parents. This covered HF, VHF and UHF which was very unusual for the time.

Having listened to and identified all the utility services and broadcast stations, he came across a very strong signal on VHF around 145 MHz where people were just chatting away like in a normal conversation. This intrigued Dave as he had never come across anything like this before so continued listening for months and months trying to find out what he was actually listening to. Then one day a door to door salesman knocked the door and his father answered. He heard the radio on in the next room and he said to Dave’s father so you are a Radio Ham are you? Dave’s father replied no and the Salesman said well I just sold some encyclopedias to a gentleman down the road and he has exactly the same thing on in his living room, in fact the same conversation is still going on. Dave overheard the conversation and asked who this person was and would it be possible to have a chat with him. The salesman said he could not give out his details without confirming with him first but he did have his telephone number. So Dave’s father gave him a call and we all met up and he showed me around his shack and Dave was hooked. Dave then visited the Newport Radio Club and studied for the UK Full amateur radio license and passed first time. There was only one license class back with the examination comprised of three parts – Licensing Conditions, the Technical side and the CW test. Dave was the youngest member of the Newport Radio Club at that time and the rest his history. Dave believes if it was not for that chance encounter with the salesman he would still be listening to that repeater and never have discovered the fascinating hobby of amateur radio.

Dave is married to Sue and has two sons, Daniel who is 30 and Declan also known as the Mini Chief who obtained his first amateur radio license at the age of 9 (MW6SZL) and has recently upgraded to Intermediate Class here in the UK with the call sign 2W0KYH (The Kind Young Ham).

After leaving school Dave went to university and studied Mathematics, Physics, IT and Chemistry and has spent most of his time working in the Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Oil & Gas and Nuclear Industries worldwide specializing in bespoke Instrumentation and Electrical Control Systems from the design concept through to and including the commissioning stage.

Dave Phillips GW8SZL

Co-Chair, IT Director

Gordon was born January 1937 in the Hawaiian Islands. He and his family moved to San Francisco shortly after the attack on Pearl Harbor. He says that the trip across the pacific was more than interesting for a five-year-old, particularly being transported on a commercial ship painted dark grey, with the port holes locked tight and painted black.

Gordon grew up and was educated in the bay area of central California. He comes from an all-ham family, his father W6ZP started his hamming in 1921 with spark gap and was a broadcast engineer with CBS. His mother, K6EEE, after graduating from the University of Hawaii became an English teacher and continued this pursuit for 50 years. Gordon was first licensed in January of 1949 at the age of 12, holds an Extra class license, commercial license, and will be celebrating his 72nd year of hamming and his 84th birthday in January 2021.

Gordon spent his working career as an Electronic Engineer specializing in television broadcasting, with specific involvement with high powered RF transmitters. He retired from these pursuits in 2000, having spent 50 years in direct association with identities such as CBS, ABC, and FOX. Gordon works all modes and claims the ability to be able to transmit and receive from DC to Light.

Gordon L Smith KY6V

Web Designer, Board Member

I got my novice ticket when I was a teen. At that time you could only be a novice for 2 years and not able to renew. The only choice was to advance to general. The general exam was only given in the FCC office down town and there was a 13 wpm code requirement. Needless to say as a nervous teenager trying to copy code in the FCC office, 13wpm didn’t happen. In the late 80’s I decide to get back into it. The testing system had evolved and code exams were much less intimidating. I’ve been mainly into the digital modes. In the late 80s and early 90s packet was very active. That is where I met Roger (W4RFJ). Recently he asked if I would be interested in getting involved with The Fog. Since becoming a member I have been getting more radioactive and even getting back into packet. Now being retired I have plenty of time to play.

John Ferrari N3GSD

Packeteer Manager, Board Member

John was born in San Jose, California and migrated to north Arkansas with his parents in 1962. He married his high school sweetheart (Rosemary) in 1969, shortly before joining the Navy (no, there’s no direct correlation betweev those two events 🙂 He retired from the Navy as a Journalist Chief Petty Officer in 2000. Tours of duty include: American Forces Radio & Television Service assignments in Japan, Bermuda, Germany, and Hungary. Public affairs assignments in Little Rock, Saudi Arabia, and Bahrain. Instructor duty at Defense Information School and editor of a navy-wide publication (Link Magazine).

After the Navy, John was offered an assistantship at Arkansas State University where he completed a Master of Science degree in Mass Communications (Radio/TV). He then began a second career as a teacher and administrator. He retired from higher education in 2013. He and his wife traveled as full-time RVers for four years before buying a home in central Arkansas.

John got his first ham ticket in 1975 and currently holds a general class license. His amateur radio interests include voice over IP communication and digital modes.

John Kenny WB5NFC

Board Member

Former US Navy Sonar Technician, licensed amateur operator since 1992, Tom currently resides in Spring Hill, Florida.  Tom Answered the call to FOG Board Membership in 2021.

Tom Wingfield KD4LQB

Web Master, Board Member

Steve Mahler KF5VH

Board Member

Dennis Jones KK0DJ

Board Member

Howard Herhold KC4ZYC

Board Member

Robert Cromar N6RNJ

Board Member

Paul Schwan N4FTD

Board Member