Packeteer Email Reflector

November 8, 2020 FOG leadership applied and brought to life the Packeteer email reflector within the fnfrastructure. There was a lot of discussion to bring Packer into the FOG and several close friends have been utilizing the reflector to share ideas,...

FOG Brought Online!

July 18, 2020 The FOG was brought online with twin servers. It was with the superior technological skills of our good griend and colleague  GW8SZL – Dave, (AKA the petrified/ancient one.) That brought life to our first two AllStar...

Under Construction

April 27, 2020 The “Ham Radio FOG ( Future Oriented Gateways )” has been a long time dream and has involved many professionals that are dedicated to building a flexible and strong “Amateur Radio” IPV6 Mesh Network with wide deployment for HAMs!...